HRsolution » COUNTRIES » Denmark

Overview of Denmark

Denmark is the southern most Scandinavian country and boarders on Germany. Danish is the official language and the currency is Danish Crones. It has a population of 5.4 million and the capital is Copenhagen. Denmark is a constitutional monarchy with the current queen being Queen Margrethe II. Denmark is the most expensive place to live in Europe.

Danes are knowing for being punctual for meetings. They are considered helpful and open to new ideas but shy away from personal topics unless they know each other well. Denmark is regularly in the top of 5 countries that easiest to do business with.

Currency of Denmark

  • Danish Crones

Health Insurance and the Social Security system of Denmark

The welfare system in Denmark is extensive and is financed by one of the highest taxation levels in the world.

When one registers, one receives a health insurance card – known as a yellow card. One should always bring this card when visiting a doctor. One has access to fee healthcare with it and receives all treatment free of charge. The only things one does not receive free of charge are medication – it is subsidized but one still needs to pay between 50% and 25% of the price. Dental care after the age of 18, elective cosmetic surgeries, fertility treatments and chiropractic is also not included in the universal free healthcare.

Employer cost of Denmark

The cost for an employer to hire someone in Denmark is 0%. The welfare system is extensive and is taken entirely out of taxes.

Salary and bonuses of Denmark

Regular employees are paid once a month on the 25th.

There are no obligations to pay bonuses in Denmark.

Public Holidays in Denmark

  • In Denmark, there are 12 public holidays.
  • January 1st – New Years Day
  • Sunday before Easter Sunday – Palm Sunday
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Sunday
  • Easter Monday
  • 4th Friday after Easter – General Prayer Day
  • 40 days after Easter – Ascension Day
  • 7th Sunday after Easter – Pentecost
  • The day after Pentecost – Whit Monday
  • June 5th – Constitution Day
  • December 25th – Christmas
  • December 26th – 2nd Day of Christmas

Working Hours in Denmark

The regular work week in Denmark is 37 hours. The regular work day is 6:00am until 6pm with an hour lunch between 11:00am and 2:00pm. A work week should not exceed 48 hours including overtime. There is no definite law regarding overtime pay, it is usually agreed in in the contract. The usual rate for overtime is 150% in the first 3 hours and 200% in subsequent hours.

Vacation in Denmark

In Denmark, one receives a minimum of 25 days of vacation a year. One accumulates 2.08 days of holiday per month of work.

Sick Leave in Denmark

If one falls ill in Denmark, one should get a doctor’s certificate. For the first 30 days one the illness, one is usually entitled to full pay during this time. The employer pays this from the first day onwards. After the first 30 days, social benefits pay an employee for up to 22 weeks. To be eligible for this, one has to have worked at least 74 hours during the last 8 weeks before one got ill.

Termination/Severance in Denmark

The termination of an employee must be justified for it to be valid. These would be organisational changes in the company or another objective reason or termination due to misconduct for example lack of performance, continually tardiness.

The notice period looks as follows:

  • if one has been employed for less than 6 month – 1 month. If one is still in the probationary period its 14 days

  • 6 months – 3 years: 3 months notice period

  • 3 years – 6 years: 4 months notice period

  • 6 years – 9 years: 5 month notice period

  • 9 years +: 6 months

One is only entitled to severance after one has been employed with the same company for more than 12 years.

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