Our Services
The freelancer is employed by the umbrella company
In Germany, as a freelancer, you are required to have more than one client. If you do not have more than one client and the government decided to do an investigation of your freelance status, it may find that you are the employee of the company you worked for as you had no other clients. The company may then have to pay fines and “back-logged” social security for the entire time that you worked for them. To avoid such a situation which can become very costly very fast, we offer the umbrella company solution. The freelancer is employed by the umbrella company and loaned out to the client company for however long the project goes on (per German labour laws no longer than 18 months.) An Umbrella Company is also called a “Proxy Company” from time to time.
Many German companies prefer this solution as they do not take the chance of possible fines and they still get to work with the person they want.
If you have a company that wants to use your expertise but does not want to hire you as a freelancer, contact us and we will work out a solution that suits both of you. HRsolution GmbH is a certified staff leaser in Germany and can solve this problem for you.
Give us a call or send us an email to get in touch with us. We can provide you with the solution.
Through our extensive partner network, we also offer this solution in many other countries. Our partners are local experts in their respective countries and have all the local knowledge, connections and language skills necessary to ensure a smooth and compliant on-boarding.
Give us a call or send us an email to get in touch with us. We can provide you with the solution to your problem.